Ridgecrest is your basecamp for traveling to California's most visited destinations! You can go to the highest point in the continental United States and the lowest point within about an hour and a half drive from Ridgecrest!

RACVB has a community with many contributors that helps visitors tour the region's greatest destinations. It’s easy with the custom tools we’ve created. Use the directory to build resources such as flights, tours, restaurants and other travel services.

Build your own travel itinerary so you'll want to come back to again and again.


A destination can be whatever makes sense for your website. If you’re creating a trip to National Parks, local venues or a combination of the two, the destinations might be the different sections, with rides and activities as the child destinations.

Free Ridgecrest/Death Valley Visitor's Guide

Add destinations for extra details and unlimited depth. With the addition of articles written with the tourist in mind, the destination becomes a full featured travel guide.

Directory Listings

Each destination has it’s own directory for cataloging restaurants, tours, activities, museums, and much more. You create the categories and decide what types of ratings apply. Choose from stars and dollars, or add the ones you need. If we didn’t include a ratings symbol, add your own for custom scales to rate your directory items.

Visitor Services

  • Customized Tours
  • National Parks
  • Death Valley Tours
  • Mammoth Lakes Skiing
  • Mount Whitney